
Leiderschaps- en Personal Coaching

Enkele jaren geleden schreef ik mijn ideeën over leiderschap voor innovatieve en toekomst-gedreven organisaties neer in dit artikel. Vele ervaringen rijker als leiderschaps- en personal coach herneem ik hier de belangrijkste elementen. Nu ondernemingen wendbaarder en meer zelfsturend worden, stappen ze over van traditionele, functionele structuren naar onderling verbonden, flexibele teams.…

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Building a sustainable future for de Vleugels

Strategy Development based on the Common Good Matrix – Watch the movie De Vleugels is a care facility and expertise centre for the disabled, located in West-Flanders, Belgium.  Since human values and dialogue have been part of the culture of the organisation, General Director Bruno Vanbeselaere asked Earthways to facilitate…

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e-Co Leadership

Reinventing organisations means reinventing leadership. Leadership Consciousness is the basis for a new leadership approach needed for today’s organizations. This future leadership is about co-creation, it is about shared leadership and the knowledge, skills and tools necessary to manage transformation processes successfully. Read the article here

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About Dialogue

About Dialogue: Listening is the white space in which speaking emerges.    It is not only ‘what’ we say and do, but also ‘HOW’ we speak and act that transforms the reality of our lives, our organisations & our communities. The quality of our speaking is mainly determined by the…

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25 years of Name Co-Creation

A new name brings new energy. In the early nineties, I was in charge of the first naming projects for Toyota cars in Europe: Avensis, Yaris, Aygo… These names were the result of a strategic and co-creative process involving multiple stakeholders and customers. In the meantime the naming landscape has…

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Model van Transformatie

De 4 windrichtingen zijn, net als de zwaartekracht, een inherent deel van het leven op aarde. Ons gevoel van tijd en verandering wordt beïnvloed door de beweging van de zon, door de cyclus van dag en nacht en door de veranderingen in de natuur doorheen de seizoenen. Voor natuurvolkeren en…

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It’s in our nature

During my recent Vision Quest on a mountain in the South of France, I was observing a tiny flower for a very long time. It appeared to me that everything in nature is giving the best of itself. Every life form in nature seems perfect. We humans, experience this natural…

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Nature Retreat Albières 2018 – Testimonials

“Participating in a Nature Retreat with Chris Hoerée helped me to reignite my innate connection with nature and it’s incredible ability to assist me in my own personal development. Chris has a gentle, yet profound, method of engaging each participant in their own personal journey, at their own pace, in…

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