Reconnect with Nature

Info natuur programma’s

Aanbod ‘Natuurverbonden Organisaties’

Geïnspireerd door gesprekken met zorgvoorzieningen brengt EarthWays dit aanbod:

Ervaringsgerichte ‘bosbad’workshop – Personeelsdag of Masterclass (op maat verder uit te werken)

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Meer veerkracht door natuurverbinding – Eerstelijnspsychologische zorg (ELP)

Onder begeleiding van klinisch psycholoog & bosbadgids – park/bos in het Leuvense

Reeks van 5 sessies: 12/11, 19/11 26/11, 3/12, 10/12 van 9.30-11.30

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‘Leadership By Nature’ Workshop/Retreat – IN COMPANY

Locatie te bespreken.

1- of meerdaagse workshop of retreat, wordt op vraag van een team, organisatie of netwerk op maat uitgewerkt.

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Nature Connectedness

Taking time out in nature is a real energy boost, an opportunity to reset your personal life purpose, taking a step in your personal quest for new vision and for growing in leadership, wisdom & compassion.

Immersion in nature like forest bathing, solo time in nature or a vision quest, not only provides the pure air we need, it gives us mental space and deepens our compassion for all life. Connecting with the Earth helps us grow, heal and transform. By falling in love with the beauty of nature, we serve the planet for we will never be the same again after we listened to the soul of the forest.  

EarthWays has organized Nature Workshops & Retreats in Belgium, France & Portugal in the past years. Please contact Chris Hoerée if you are interested in organizing a retreat for you network.

Wat is natuurverbondenheid 

Waarom is natuurverbondenheid belangrijk voor organisaties

It’s in our Nature – read full article here

Click here to see video testimonials of past Nature Retreat or read here!


Community Seasons Rituals 

Seasons rituals can help us to celebrate the cycles of life and synchronize our projects with what is happening in nature, with the natural flow of the seasons and the elements.  Listening to each other around the fire, helps us to let go of what we do not need anymore, to go through major transitions in our lives and support each other. Taking time together in ceremony is a powerful way to build our communities. 

EarthWays is organizing regular Seasons Rituals for its local community. We can coach you to hold your own seasonal ceremonies in your own communities. Please contact Chris Hoerée for advice.